Take a Summer Challenge!

Guest article by Letizia Basile, Italy

Dear friends,

With the arrival of summer, it's time to plan summer vacations with the family. But as we strive to create unforgettable memories, we often find ourselves immersed in a sea of digital distractions. Vacations, instead of being a time of relaxation and connection with nature, seem increasingly dominated by bright screens and incessant notifications. It's time to change perspective and try something different.

Last year, I had an extraordinary experience that changed my worldview and inspired a literary project that reflects this transformation. Along with my daughter Chiara and my nephew Salvo, I spent an unforgettable summer in Sicily. This trip represented a rejuvenating break from our hyperconnected digital life and allowed us, adults, and our children to rediscover the beauty of nature and the joy of being together without the distractions of screens.

I want to share my personal experience with you because I believe it can inspire other families to spend their summer vacations similarly.

Last summer, I decided to leave my digital devices at home and replace them with a bicycle. This radical choice led to a significant change in how we spent our days. We explored beaches, hiked trails in the woods, and spent evenings under the stars, all without the need for smartphones or tablets.

"After a year of school and work, we were exhausted and completely overwhelmed by technology. Me with my work responsibilities, and Chiara with her digital world of YouTube and Nintendo. We had become prisoners of our devices, completely disconnected from the real world. But on the morning of departure, I made a radical decision: we would leave our devices in Rome (initially just the computer and Nintendo). Although Chiara wasn't thrilled about it, we boarded the flight to Sicily. The first few days were tough; it felt like we had transitioned from our home desks to beach towels under the umbrella without any tangible benefit. But then, a sudden inspiration prompted me to leave my phone at home and take the bicycle instead. One morning, I rode aimlessly and found myself on the beach where I had spent my childhood. And there, a miracle happened: I reunited with all my old friends. It was like a journey back in time, to the carefree days of my youth. I laughed, I cried, I swam in the sea with them, and for the first time in a long time, I felt alive and free. When I returned home, I shared the experience with my sister and her husband, and together we decided to offer our children a similar experience. We challenged them to turn off their phones and replace them with bicycles, allowing them to explore the world and create precious memories. After an initial common disappointment, I witnessed a significant evolution in the kids, and even their initially pale, lifeless faces began to glow with a tan. The energy they had poured into their phones returned to them, along with smiles and a desire to explore everything. We planned days at the beach, hikes in the woods, and evenings under the stars, all without the need for smartphones or tablets. It was a bold choice, but from the start, both the kids and I found it difficult to detach from our digital devices. We were used to a hyperconnected life, and the idea of ​​parting with our phones seemed scary, but we knew it would be an experience we would remember forever, for better or for worse. During this adventure, we truly connected with ourselves and with the nature around us. We discovered the joy of watching a sunset without having to photograph it to share it on social media, and the excitement of a long walk without being distracted by our phones' notifications. It was a liberating experience that allowed us to live in the present moment fully and without distractions."

This experience had such a profound impact on me that I decided to share it with the world through my book "The Bicycle That Unplugged Us". This story reflects the importance of unplugging and enjoying life outside of technology.

We want to share an excerpt from the book that perfectly reflects the importance of unplugging and enjoying life without digital distractions: "Here's the truth: technology is an incredible resource, but it can also become an invisible prison if we don't know when to rise from our digital throne and savor life outside of it. When we find the courage to unplug, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities that we never imagined."

Now, I want to challenge you parents and your families. During the upcoming summer vacations, I invite you to try an experience similar to ours. Here's how to participate:

  1. Choose a period of time during your summer vacation when you will completely unplug from digital devices with your children. It could be one day a week or an entire week; the important thing is to create time slots dedicated to authentic connection with nature and loved ones.

  2. Share your ideas with us at info@globsldayofunplugging.org or in a post and tag @iostaccolaspina. Add #unplugchallenge2024, #globalsummerofunplugging2024 to inspire others to do the same. We do get the irony but social media is a great tool when used properly. Two lucky winners will receive an Unplugged Family Kit including 4 signature Smartphone Nap-Sacks, Unplug socks, a GO Deck (Games to play on the GO) and more. 

  3. Invite your friends and family to participate and share their experiences. Together, we can create a community of digital adventurers ready to rediscover the true meaning of outdoor summer vacations.

This challenge is not just about unplugging from digital devices but about rediscovering the joy of living authentic experiences and truly connecting with the world around us. It's an opportunity to strengthen family bonds, create lasting memories, and teach our children the importance of living in the present moment.

I know it can be scary to temporarily abandon the comfort and familiarity of our digital devices, but I assure you it will be worth it. Summer is the perfect time to try something new and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones.

I invite you to participate in this challenge and share your experiences with us. We are eager to hear how you tackled the challenge and what your most memorable moments were without the presence of digital devices.

Together, we can rediscover summer adventure and create a world where connection with nature and with our loved ones is more important than any bright screen.

Stay tuned for further updates and inspirations on technology-free summer adventure. And remember, every moment spent together is an opportunity to create precious memories and strengthen family bonds.

Happy summer adventures!

Article written by Letizia Basile

Blog: www.unplugadventures.com

LinkedIn: Letizia Basile | LinkedIn


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