Send a Message of Hope to a Child in Need
The Happy Hope Factory makes it easy for groups to Unplug for a Cause® and share hope!

Help People in Need with Your Minutes Unplugged
Download our unplugged time tracker so you can help humanize homelessness one sock at a time.

Create a Little Free Library Scavenger Hunt
Create a scavenger hunt with Little Free Libraries (LFL) in your area.

Plan an Escape Room Outing or Create a Puzzle Quest
Escape Room are lots of fun for families, groups and companies of smaller size and are a perfect unplugged activity as there are no phones permitted.

Share Your Story
Share stories of the sunset you experienced prior to cell phones, or emails or texts you wish you’d never sent, Facebook fights or Twitter wars that got ridiculous or tall tales of your digital addiction.

Hit the Road
Take a road trip to a beloved destination or explore some places you’ve always wanted to see but never ventured out to.

Paint a Little Masterpiece
Try a painting class led by an artist where you can sip, socialize and create.

Wikki Stix Creatures
Create amazing mess-free creations with your imagination and Wikki Stix. Come back soon for instructions!

Create a rock garden
Painting rocks is a therapeutic and mindful activity. Plan a time to organize a group to decorate rocks.

Read about your connection with nature
Read Richard Louv’s classic Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder

Learn about making unplugging a regular habit
Read Tiffany Shlain’s 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day A Week.

Plan an evening of laughter
It’s easy to avoid checking your phone when you’re too busy laughing. Host a comedy night. For the 21+ crowd, consider partnering with a local comedy club for your unplugged night.

Get your kids to laugh
Keep your kids laughing by using everyday objects in new and unexpected ways. Wear your pants on your head as a hat, put your shirt on backwards, use a banana as a phone.

Have a pillow fight
Time for a pillow fight! Lay out the rules in advance, use soft pillows, keep the zippers away from faces and start swinging.

Create a joke jar
Write jokes on slips of paper and keep them in a jar to pull out when you need a good laugh.