Volunteer with Your Kids
With an increasing need to make sense of an overwhelming world, finding opportunities to get out and give back is an awesome opportunity for families to recharge and reconnect.
Decorate a Smartphone Nap-Sack
Decorate a Smartphone Nap-Sack and gift it to someone who needs it. Grab some fabric markers, fill in the gift card and make someones day.

Raise money with an Unplug-A-Thon
Unplug-A-Thons are a fun way to help students, teachers, parents or your employees improve their digital habits while raising money for school programs or an outside cause you care about.

Send a Message of Hope to a Child in Need
The Happy Hope Factory makes it easy for groups to Unplug for a Cause® and share hope!

Help People in Need with Your Minutes Unplugged
Download our unplugged time tracker so you can help humanize homelessness one sock at a time.