Plan a screening of I am Gen Z
Plan a community screening of I Am Gen Z to spark some conversation on how tech is impacting the Gen Z generation.

Turn Your Phone into a Tool (not the other way around!)
Use your phone. Don’t let it use you! Get tips to make your phone ready to unplug.

Organize a screening of The Social Dilemma
Whether you have a group of students, parents or teachers, watching a film like The Social Dilemma together will certainly lead to an important conversation.

What Schools or Youth Communities Can Do for GDU or Any Time of The Year
Now that live classrooms are back in session, it’s the perfect time to wind back the overuse of technology in our schools and homes.

Share Your Story
Share stories of the sunset you experienced prior to cell phones, or emails or texts you wish you’d never sent, Facebook fights or Twitter wars that got ridiculous or tall tales of your digital addiction.

Learn about making unplugging a regular habit
Read Tiffany Shlain’s 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day A Week.