Powering Human Connection
Meaningful Offline Gatherings
Global Day of Unplugging 2025
was a huge success, and we couldn’t have done it without you!
Whether you hosted a live concert or attended a quiet, unplugged dinner with friends, we’d love to hear about it! Your stories are an inspiration to others to embrace the Unplugged Movement.
The Unplugged Movement is taking over the globe!
The Unplugged Movement is about being the change in a newly digital world. Whether its hosting an Unplugged Gathering, taking a personal pledge to unplug for a few hours, or attending an Unplugged Gathering you can be a part of the Unplugged Movement.
You can get involved by hosting an Unplugged Gatheringat any point during the year, becoming a Member, or being a Brand Partner!
You can host an Unplugged Gathering for Global Day 2025 March 7-8th, be a part of a seed-funded cohort, or just host a gathering any day of the year....
Though we wish we could provide seed-funding all year round, we are only able to .....
If you're looking to experience an Unplugged Gathering in your area check out our Map.....
Simply, just go to our Unplugging Ideas where you'll find 200+ ideas to unplug on your own time.....